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Attendance Policies

All children are expected to be present every day unless they are ill or a family emergency arises. Please remember that a written note explaining the absence is required after a student has been absent. Failure to present an excuse within three days shall result in an unexcused absence. Documentation presented after three days will not be considered. Documentation presented may NOT be sent by fax, e-mail or telephone. Written excuses are also required for documentation when a child is tardy or leaves school early for a medical or dental appointment. The principal or designee will determine whether or not an absence is excused, and may, at his/her discretion, require supporting documentation from a doctor, dentist, clinic, court, funeral home, etc. in order to make this determination. The decision of the principal or designee with respect to the justification and validity of the submitted documentation for an absence is final. Students shall be given a reasonable opportunity, not exceeding five (5) days, to make up work or tests which were missed because of an excused absence from school. It is the student"s or parent"s responsibility to arrange to make up work. Failure to make up work after a reasonable time will result in a grade of 0.
The school cannot accept responsibility for supervision of students before 7:50 a.m. School Board Policy provides for adult supervision a maximum of thirty (30) minutes before the beginning of the school day. The official school day begins at 8:20 a.m. and ends at 3:20 p.m. Children should not be dropped off before 7:50 a.m. or remain at school after 3:45 p.m. Parents and guardians are expected to provide timely transportation (within no more than 30 minutes) to a child who does not ride the bus. Repeated failure to abide by this policy shall result in the referral of the case to the Bibb County Juvenile Court.
Students who arrive after the official opening time at 8:20 a.m. will be counted tardy and must report to the office to sign in with a note explaining their tardiness before going to class. Tardies must now be recorded as excused or unexcused. Tardiness is defined as (i) being late for school, (ii) absenting oneself from school for any period during the day, or (iii) leaving school early. For those students who ride with their parents, we ask that they arrive at school no earlier than 7:50 a.m. We ask that all students bring books to read or study during this time. After the third unexcused tardy, the principal or designee shall conference with the parent in person or by phone. Students who desire to excuse a tardy to school shall present a written excuse signed by the parent or guardian no later than the third (3rd) school day following the tardy. Failure to present an excuse within three (3) days shall result in an unexcused tardy. Documentation presented after three (3) days will not be considered. Documentation may NOT be sent by fax, email, or telephone. The principal or his/her designee will determine whether or not a tardy is excused. The decision of the principal or designee with respect to justification and validity of submitted documentation for a tardy is final. Students will be allowed to make up work missed during an excused tardy.
Students will be counted absent if they leave school before 11:40 noon or if they arrive at school after 11:40 noon. Students leaving school before the scheduled dismissal time must bring a note stating the time they must leave and the reason for leaving. The name of the person who will sign them out of school must also be included. Students will not be released to any person whose name is not listed on the child's emergency card without a written note from the parent. A parent coming for a student at school must come to the office instead of going to the classroom. The office personnel will call for the child.
In accordance with the Bibb County Student Discipline Code, students in grades K-5 will NOT be promoted to the next grade level if they exceed more than ten (10) unexcused absences in a school year. Parents will be contacted after the third (3) unexcused or undocumented absence. Students who demonstrate a pattern of absences and tardies shall be referred to the Office of School Social Workers for counseling and appropriate intervention, which may include a charge of truancy being filed against the parent and/or student.
In order to develop independence and responsibility in our students, parents are asked not to accompany students to and from the classroom at the beginning and end of the school day. Our staff members are available to help students. Parents are asked to wait for students outside the school building or in the front hall by the office.
Students will be dismissed each afternoon according to their means of transportation home. Bus students will be dismissed to the bus loading area as their buses arrive. Day care van riders will be dismissed to a designated area and carpool students will be dismissed to the car loading area. Students who walk home must leave promptly after the bell rings. No students will be allowed to play on the playground equipment while waiting for transportation due to the lack of adult supervision. All students must be picked up promptly. Staff members are not on duty to supervise students after 3:45 p.m.